Estephan Iskandar
First Name:
Last Name:
Place of Birth:
Date of Birth:
Marital Status:
Have Children:
Number of Children:
Employee at a tile Factory
Date of Disappearance:
Age at the time of Disappearance:
Location of the Disappearance:
Bejdarfel, Batroun, Lebanon
Description of the missing person
Estephan was a kind and loving father to a family that consisted of his wife and 11 children; 7 boys and 4 girls. He was very caring, friendly and close to all of his children. He loved and respected each and every one of them and did not like to see them unhappy; he always tried to keep a smile on their faces. He was an employee at a tile factory and he had devoted all of his time to his work and family. Estephan was known to be a peaceful man with a simple life.
Circumstances of the Disappearance
One day, militia men entered the village and occupied an area in it. Many people from the village, especially the young, left the village. Fearing for his family, Estephan told his wife to leave and take the children, whose ages range from 21 years old to one year old, and go to Jbeil. And he told them that he would stay behind. After a period of time had passed, Estephan noticed that the situation in the village and the region was mostly stable and told his family to return home. Yet, one day and after the family’s return, armed militia men barged into the house and took Estephan by force. That was the last time his family had ever seen or heard from him again.